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This is why TEKITOP moved into Toronto

​Hi I'm Ritsuko. I'm from Japan.

I was working in Tokyo. My work was to make something variety goods for each customer. I met a lot of customer. Fortunately I could make them happy by my goods. It was very interesting. But one day I realized when I met a Canadian customer. I made hers birthday gifts and she really loved it.That time I saw her's big reaction I have never seen.I thought foreign customer might give me something new inspiration and made my ability to grow up.I thought to sell my goods for all over the world must be more fun. After that I decide to move to Toronto.

This is why I chose Toronto. There are multinationality people and I heard some canadian people really like handmade goods.​

Now I'm preparing for openning my online store. And I should study English hard hard hard:)

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